Categories Updates


Today is Playoff Day for Spring 2020! It will start at 7:30 PM tonight between Break & Juan and Lady & the Champs for 8 ball, and Chalk is Cheap and Cue Tang Clan for 9 ball. Our number one priority is still everyone’s health. We will be practicing social Continue Reading

Categories Updates


Happy Monday!! Just a quick update for everyone. Tuesday League play is still a no go at this time. HOWEVER! We are able to get Playoff matches schedule! Spring session playoff will take place TUESDAY 06/16/20 at 7:30 PM. 8 Ball: Break & Juan vs. Lady & the Champs 9 Continue Reading

Categories 20SP


ATTN: All H-Town Central League Members To ensure the safety of all our members and their family, all league play has been suspended for a minimum of two weeks starting 03/17/20. Plans for how the session will continue will be discussed once the suspension has been lifted. We will keep Continue Reading

Categories Updates


We hope this update finds everyone well and healthy! It has been a month since our last gathering at Slicks for our pool league matches. Since then, our schedule has halted and been placed on hold. What was originally a two week wait has now turned into a full cancellation Continue Reading

Categories 20SP


Happy Wednesday everyone! All scores have been updated and match logs are available to be viewed. We have started adding the date onto team standings and MVPs so you can be sure you’re viewing the most up to date information on your end and determine if browsers need to be Continue Reading

Categories Updates


All scores have been entered and the current standings have been updated! USAPL Office is asking that we get detailed information about our league members in order to ensure no duplicated individuals are entered in the Fargo Rate system. To ensure this, they require specific identifiers. A form has been Continue Reading

Categories 20SP


Happy Wednesday! All scores have been updated and match logs are available to be viewed. 🙂 We have now hit the halfway mark of this Spring session! We hope you are enjoying this and having a good time because we definitely are! As always, please let us know if you Continue Reading

Categories Updates


Hello everyone! Scores have been entered and match logs uploaded. Current rankings and MVPs are updated. Short update this week. Just as a reminder, this Spring session has a total of 14 weeks. We just finished up Week 6, so next Tuesday will be halfway through the session! Keep this Continue Reading

Categories 20SP


Happy Wednesday! All updates have been completed and match logs are available to be viewed. Last night, we were able to hand out T-Shirts to those who joined us in the Fall session. It was definitely nice to see the 2019 Founding Members shirts being worn during league night. Again, Continue Reading

Categories 20SP


Good morning everyone! All updates have been completed and match logs are available to be viewed online. Next week (Week 5) is the last week to add members to your roster. The Spring roster is the one used for the Original Member qualification. Also, starting next week, the team’s stat Continue Reading